Yesterday was a hot one in Yuma! A perfect day for staying inside in the AC and firing up the computers. I’ve admired recently some new looks on Jan and Chuck Moore’s blog. They tell me the key is using Windows Live Writer to compose the blog posts. So, what are friends for? – sharing computer knowledge, for one thing. Of course, Jan Moore offered to give me (Nancy) some pointers on using this free software that adds a little jazz to the blog and makes posting easier. She walked through the features with me. Her tutelage was excellente! Before I knew it I was totally into this new toy. So I just had to try out everything. Here goes:
Our computers buzzed away as we enjoyed experimenting with all the bells and whistles. There are numerous borders, actions and effects options for posting pictures.
You can insert a watermark (see right corner of my photos) and add tags to identify people (put your cursor on the photo.) In the photo of Jan and I at the right, you can see a couple more of the effects that are possible.
Our day of playing was topped off when we were joined by friends, Ron and Sharon Mead, for an evening of Pegs and Jokers. Jerry and I have had a long stretch away from this “challenging and competitive” game. But we pulled the board out of the cabinet and brushed it off. Then we asked our fellow players for some patience and a review of the rules. That was no problem. These friends freely offered lots of advice (lol). There’s never a dull moment with this group. It was another fun evening. So I’ve decided to use a few of those pics in my trial of the Tables features of Windows Live Writer.
Those camera timers are super – if the subjects pay attention! |
We’ve shared a lot here at the Foothills in Yuma with Chuck and Jan for a week now . It’s been a fantastic time…..stories and meals and drinks and shopping, gatherings of friends in the community and those with just us. Jan and I are at this moment creating a blog post on similar topics – with dueling computers at her kitchen table. I’m going to try including a photo album of the past week to share with you. Here we go:
Then there’s also a hyperlink feature we can try here. So, I’m going to share Jan and Chuck’s blog, Moore News. It’s also on Blogger. I’ve added the link by clicking on the title at the end of this sentence and also experimented with making a link on the photo below. Here’s the link: Moore News
Well, this is my first attempt with the Writer. I’m sure there are more pieces to discover. But even as a novice, I like the ease of using it and the flexibility. And it sure makes for a happier blogger. What do you think about the features here?
Hope to see you down the road.
Nancy, you are a gem! It is just a pleasure sharing fun times with you. Hugs, Jan