Our travels led us to a unique gathering in Congress, Arizona, a few days ago. You see, we are fortunate to have good friends Jerry and Dee who are soooo hospitable and just plain fun. They open their arms to us, offering a parking spot and including us in their activities. We can count on sharing stories, laughs, meals, music and a few opinions. During this recent visit we were included in a special event at a local spot in the desert dubbed "Jaxon Hole," (after Jerry and Dee's cherished Schnauzer, Jaxon). The group from the North Ranch RV Park that assembled for these festivities, food and frivolity, is the result of the "Old Farts Favorites."
...Pause here for a short explanation: A few months ago Jerry and Dee were listening to old tunes and decided they would send an email challenge to friends to choose one favorite song from the decades of the 50s to the 90s. For some of us, selecting only one tune per decade was almost impossible. But, after all, the responses were fabulous. The resulting four-CD package that they produced for each couple/respondent is a nostalgia trip extraordinare. What a great idea!
....But, I digress. As I said, this group of 30-35 rvers
from the North Ranch RV Park (visitors included) packed up chairs,
firewood, food and drink and proceeded on ATVs/Jeeps/Feet to "Jaxon
Hole." You can see the gathering in a nice clearing surrounded by views of the mountains in the photo above. We had a perfect March day in Arizona. Just great for an afternoon of
relaxing with our old favorite tunes, friendly people, libations and good food. Just
imagine the Margaritas blending on the hood of a 1942 Jeep while the
hot dogs grilled and the classics played. Bob Seger,
Carole King, Clarence Carter, Elvis Presley, Marvin Gaye, The Doors,
The Grateful Dead......you name it, we had it. Why at one point we
even had the coyotes serenading us from the ridge.
A highlight of the day was the "Old Farts Favorites" sterling hubcap award to Jerry and Dee
for their exemplary production work. (Top photo in this post.) Bill, who supplied us with a his special-recipe Margaritas, and Barb, who braved the highway to acquire the award, made the presentation to the deserving couple.
When it was time to put out the fire and call it a night, we topped the day off with a sing-along to Alice's Restaurant. So I guess you could say: we're just waitin' for it to come around is what we're doin'...so get ready... let's hear you out there.... "You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant. Walk right in. It's around the back. Just a half a mile from the railroad track. You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant."
Nancy and Jerry,
ReplyDeleteYour post about our gathering at Jaxon Whole is great. You have a special talent in capturing in words what you experience. We REALLY enjoyed your visit to North Ranch and we are looking forward to your return. BUT be careful of that Tequila :-)
Your Friends, Jerry, Dee and Jaxon